
What are PG Points?

What are PG Points?

PG Points is a special benefit programme offered by Pilotgarage to its loyal customers. These points are credited to the user's account after certain events or expertise transactions.

Areas of Use

In the "Shop" menu on Pilotgarage's mobile app, users can purchase various discount codes or perform additional steps using their PG Points.

Discount Codes Purchasing

Users can purchase discount codes such as 5%, 15%, 20%, 25%, 25%, 30% or 35% from the "Shop" menu in the Pilot Garage Club application with PG Points. These discount codes provide a specific discount on Pilotgarage's services or products.

Purchasing Additional Stages

In addition, users can use their PG Points to purchase additional stages available in the "Shop" menu. These additional stages include the provision of additional services during the vehicle expertise process. For example, there may be additional services such as airbag check, seat belt check, gasket burn test, engine wear test.

Utilisation Process

Users select the desired discount code or additional tier from the "Shop" menu in the Pilotgarage mobile app. They can then purchase the service of their choice by paying with PG Points.

In this way, it can be explained how PG Points can be redeemed in the Shop menu in the Pilotgarage Club app and how users can purchase discount codes or additional stages. In this way, users can benefit from various services by using their PG Points advantageously.

Pilotgarage Team

Published on March 2024, updated on March 2024

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